
Project Management Professional PMP Certificatation

Being where I am in my career,  getting my PMP certification may not seem to make sense.  I have been doing Project Management for over 30 years, and I have an MBA, Master of Science in Management and Leadership, so why should I get a PMP? The PMP credential is one of...

Is formal Project Management Worth It?

Did you know that most projects fail?  That is a stunning idea which, if you are like me, doesn’t match what you see.  For 2016 my organization’s metric for “Strategic Projects without Deficiency” was over 98%.  If 98% of the projects...

Is it Shadow IT, or is IT in the Shadows?

Business/IT Partnership Back in the early 2000’s I was brought into to provide “a little help to get it implemented” project with Hyperion Financial Management.  As I first got involved, I began to realize that one very persuasive sales argument that...

Hello there!

I guess the first question is to answer the question Why??  With all the Blog’s avalible, why do we need yet another one? I guess the simple answer is that I have been providing business solutions using technology for almost 30 years, and, it seems to me,  we...